Here’s how our affiliate program works!

“We have simplified the entire affiliate process to ensure user-friendliness, while maintaining highly accurate affiliate tracking.” Viaggia Italiano Numero uno

The visitor clicks on an affiliate link on your website or an email or a graphic banner (depending on what you want to use). Viaggia Italiano Numero due

“The visitors’ IP is recorded, and a cookie is placed in their browser to track their purchases on our platform.”

“The visitor navigates our website and can choose to place an order.” Viaggia Italiano numero quattro

If the visitor places an order (it’s not necessary for the order to be placed during the same browser session: cookies and IPs are stored for 60 days), the order will be recorded as a sale for you. Viaggia Italiano numero cinque

“We will review and approve the sale.” Viaggia Italiano Numero sei

“You will receive commission payments according to the schedule set by you.” - Travel Italian Viaggia Italiano Icona soldi

Earn up to 10% commission!

Join our team and help promote our products; you'll be rewarded for all your efforts. Our system tracks referrals and pays top commissions for each customer you send our way. You won't find a more rewarding affiliate program than the one we're offering! Viaggia Italiano Icona Commissioni

High conversion rate = More money!

Our website and our plans generate one of the highest conversion rates in the industry. The high conversion rates are attributed to the versatility and competitiveness of our product, making visitors you send to our portal more likely to purchase our transfers. Our system will track all the people you refer to our site, ensuring you are always fully informed about all the generated activity.

Long cookie duration.

"If a customer goes from your site to ours and then returns to make a purchase within 60 days, you get credited."

Register now!
It only takes 5 minutes.
You send us customers, we send you money!

Signing up and setting up your account couldn’t be easier.

Learn more about our affiliate program.

A fundamental aspect of a successful affiliate program is its user-friendly nature. Thanks to intuitive interfaces and user-friendly tools, affiliates can navigate the program effortlessly. Registration and access to the dashboard are quick, enabling affiliates to start promoting our services promptly. Creative resource management, affiliate link generation, and conversion tracking are made accessible even to those with limited experience. Additionally, efficient technical support and customer service ensure timely assistance for any queries or issues. In short, an affiliate program with an intuitive interface streamlines the process, allowing affiliates to focus on promotion and achieving their earnings goals.

Increase your income, start earning now!

Translation: There are no hidden costs or tricks to join our affiliate program. We pay commissions for all the sales you have generated.

Earn up to 10% in commissions instantly.

Complete guide to affiliate marketing program.

In today’s digitalized world, affiliate marketing is emerging as a successful digital marketing strategy. This comprehensive guide provides a detailed overview of what an affiliate program is, how it works, with a particular focus on affiliation.

What is an affiliate program?

An affiliate program is a digital business model where an affiliate earns a commission for marketing another company’s products or services. Essentially, the affiliate seeks out a product they like, promotes it on a digital platform by creating content ranging from articles to videos, and earns a share of the profit for each sale made through their affiliate link.

Why choose the affiliate program?

The affiliate program stands out for its efficiency and reliability. It offers a competitive commission structure, ranging from direct sales of Ncc services to commissions for recruiting other affiliates. Our affiliate program provides a wide range of products to promote and offers high-quality customer support. Moreover, the registration process is simple and quick, making it accessible to everyone.

The winning formula of affiliate marketing.

Affiliate marketing is a winning strategy that combines the power of digital marketing with the efficiency of e-commerce. The key to success lies in generating high-quality traffic to affiliate links and converting visitors into paying customers. You’ll need to target your highly segmented audience to your sales links to generate commissions consistently and securely.

The importance of traffic for affiliate marketing.

Without traffic, affiliate marketing cannot work. Traffic refers to the number of people visiting your affiliate link. Higher traffic means more chances of conversion and, consequently, higher earnings as an affiliate. Our customer conversion rates are among the highest in the Ncc industry; we leverage our expertise to turn visitors into paying customers. Your task will be to direct as many customers as possible to our booking page.

How to become an affiliate with

“ offers one of the most well-known affiliate programs in Italy. To sign up, it’s completely free, and you need to click here and follow the instructions to create an account. Once approved, you can start promoting services through affiliate links and earn a commission on every sale.”

Affiliation with how does it work? affiliation operates on a pay-per-sale model. Affiliates earn a commission on each sale made through their affiliate link. This commission is calculated as a percentage of the service’s sale price. In most campaigns within the platform, you will find a 7% commission at the first level and 3% at the second level. This means that besides promoting and selling services, you can also attract other affiliates who register with your affiliate ID, and in this case, you’ll earn an additional 3% on the sales generated by your referrals (business affiliations).

Commercial affiliations and how they work

Commercial affiliations are based on creating a network of affiliates who promote a company’s products or services. These networks can include bloggers, influencers, website owners, or anyone with an online and offline presence like hotels, conference centers, and other establishments in line with – Viaggia Italiano’s chauffeur rental services. Affiliates earn a commission for each sale made through their affiliate link.

How much can you earn with affiliate program?

The earning potential with affiliate program is significant. However, the actual amount depends on various factors, such as your website or platform traffic, the quantity and quality of your content, the conversion rate of the services you promote, and, of course, the commission rates offered by based on the campaign you join. Some successful affiliates can generate a substantial income, with some cases reaching over €6,000 per month with highly followed portals.

What are the commission percentages offered by offers a competitive commission structure. The commission percentages vary depending on the campaign. Currently, you will receive a welcome commission of €20, payable once you reach the minimum threshold of €50. The ongoing campaigns for online presence are as follows: [details not provided in the original message].

You will immediately receive €20.00 in commissions for signing up.

  • 7% Direct selling of services. 
    • 3% Translation: Direct sale of invited affiliates.
  • 7,50 € Each affiliate who registers by invitation (the commission is recognized after the 3rd sale made by the invited affiliate).

“These percentages are highly competitive and offer a great earning potential for affiliates.”

Why join’s affiliate program?

Why not? Registration for’s Viaggia Italiano affiliate program is completely free. There are many reasons to choose’s affiliation. Apart from high commission rates and being the only program in the Italian market, offers a wide range of services to promote. Its versatility extends to multiple cities in Italy, with plans to open more, making it easier to tap into new markets. The sign-up process is quick and easy, and we take pride in providing excellent affiliate support. Moreover, is a trusted brand with a large customer base, increasing the likelihood of converting your referrals into sales.

What are the disadvantages of’s affiliation?

Like anything else,’s affiliation also has some drawbacks. For instance, the chauffeur rental business fluctuates with seasons, leading to variable income depending on the time of the year, making earnings less stable. However, this can be an incentive to create diverse content for different periods. Here are some examples to help you better understand the seasonality aspect: [Further information on seasonality can be added here].

The high tourist season in Italy generally spans from mid-March until the end of October. During this time, various types of transfers within cities are in demand, such as reaching train stations, venues, theaters, or other destinations. Airport and port transfers are particularly popular, as tourism drives this seasonal activity. In the low season, you can focus on creating content to encourage new affiliates to sign up, thereby generating higher earnings during the high season. As mentioned earlier, you will earn 3% on the work done by your referred affiliates, in addition to a commission of €7.50 for their registration.

Italian Tax Regime for Affiliations

In Italy, earnings from affiliations are subject to taxation. It’s important to handle these earnings correctly to comply with tax laws. If in doubt or needing assistance, contact us by clicking here. Your trusted accountant can provide billing details. For our affiliate program, find all information on this page. Note that all amounts and percentages include VAT, so consult your accountant for proper invoicing. We aim for transparency and clarity, no surprises.

How to Handle Taxation for Affiliate Earnings? affiliate earnings should be declared as self-employment income. Keep track of earnings and related expenses for accurate tax reporting. Treating the affiliate program as regular income activity is essential. Underestimating tax management isn’t advisable. With dedication, this program can generate significant income, which must be reported like any other Italian income.

Opening a VAT number

If your earnings from affiliation exceed a certain threshold (typically around €5000, subject to specific conditions), you may need to open a VAT number. This allows you to issue invoices for your earnings and deduct expenses related to your affiliate activities.

Tax regimes for affiliation

In Italy, various tax regimes may apply to your affiliate earnings, including the flat-rate scheme, ordinary regime, and simplified regime. The most suitable tax regime depends on factors like your income level and personal situation. For detailed information, consult a trusted accountant who can provide insights into your specific financial situation. affiliation: Which tax regime to choose?

The choice of tax regime for affiliation depends on several factors. If your earnings are below a certain threshold, opting for the flat-rate or simplified regime might be advantageous. If your earnings are higher, the ordinary regime could be more beneficial. Consult a tax advisor to make the best decision for your situation, considering that earnings generated from the Viaggia Italiano affiliate program should be added to your total income.

Affiliation with and Invoicing

If you have a VAT number, you’ll need to issue an invoice each month for the earnings generated from your affiliation. Your management panel will allow you to keep everything under control, understand revenue sources, and improve your content. This enables tracking of earnings and deduction of expenses related to your affiliate activity. Affiliation: Conclusion affiliation can be an interesting income source for those with an online and offline presence, interested in promoting our services. However, it’s crucial to manage earnings properly and comply with Italian tax laws. With the right strategy and dedication, affiliate marketing can become a significant income stream.